Monday, October 29, 2007

Delhi Trip

I went to Delhi for a few days to meet a great friend of mine named Prateek, It was an eye opening experience and it was a great cultural shock.But that is because I am not used to stuff like that and I live a mostly predictable life,and maybe it is not a bad thing because we would at least be left alone and we wouldn't have to worry about hypocrites like here in Kerala over there.I hate Kerala.It is mostly because of the hypocrites over here.Who claim to be so holier than though.The politics in family is another unbearable thing.I seriously need to move to another state,where my family and rest of the mallus are not there.Any way Prateek is kind of like my old literature buff buddy.He is one of those few people with whom i can have an intelligent conversation about good movies,books,philosophy etc.Actually the only other person with whom I can talk about things like that is Firoz a buddy of mine from Firstsource.Anyway after i came back Prateek started doing the thing he usually does after we are in contact for a while.He stopped contacting, I don't thing it's anything personal.He usually does this,this would be the third time.I am quite used to it by now, it's his nature.Any way it was a refreshing change and it really changed the way I perceive the world.
I did not have a camera other than my N73 which has a 3.2MP camera but since it's a mobile it's slow.So there aren't that many pics and what I have are not that good also.So here they are,check it out----

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