Sunday, November 25, 2007

Children are Dogs

Listen people don't be naive just because our parents are supposed to love you doesn't means they will.Like everything else in life it all depends on the money we make.If we don't have a job and money they will start complaining and will view you with disgust and disdain.So in life the only one
who will ever love and like you truly is yourself.we are the only person we can trust in this life.To parents the child is like a commodity or a dog which they want to show off.If it does good tricks they love the dog but if it doesn't do as he is told and starts thinking for themselves they treat it with disdain and feed it lower quality dog food because there is no productivity.So "people of the world,don't take anything for granted ,nobody loves you or likes you.Only our productivity is all that matters."In short the children are dogs and don't think for a minute they are not.


Roshan said...

Its good to see that someone thinks in similar waves. But don't be too harsh on the parents. They can't help it as Indian culture taught them to be like that.

Anonymous said...

I know i was a bit harsh.and of course it was after a big fight with my parents.I know that parents do genuinely love us.But in the larger context the whole community puts the pressure on them to think like that.The whole indian community is turning into a big Borg(of course,from Star Trek)like mentality of a unified organism.People want everybody to be like them.Uniformity is preferred over uniqueness in Indian