Monday, November 26, 2007

Importance of Money

I have decided to get into the whole real estate business,because everybody is getting rich of it.I have got some considerable amount of money from my parents to invest in it.But me and my bro will invest it.I really want to be rich because i been down under without money and believe me its not a good thing.People will look down on you,but more than that people will pity you which is unbearable and really maddening.But if you are rich people will really want to be friends with you because if we are rich they might need some sort of help from you in the future.Always be the one who is independent financially because if you ever have to depend on anyone you will be treated like a lowly servant no matter how strong the blood ties are.In life honesty,love or relationships doesn't matter,in the end everything is about money.In this superficial world one must be extremely materialistic in order to survive or the world will eat you up.Feelings of love or duty will smother you with rejections we feel in everyday life.Naive people still believe there is still love in this world.There is none.We just go through life like a reality show on TV ,we should be the one that comes on top in the end.Becoming rich and watching people who treated you like shit respecting you will the only self satisfaction we gain in this life.

Moral----Life eventually screws everybody,
but wise men screws life back before it is over and becomes stronger for it

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