Monday, June 9, 2008

My Religion

I thought i would talk about religion a little bit.About MY religious beliefs,that is.

I am a Muslim by birth but could say that i am an agnostic by beliefs.I have an orthodox Muslim family.But they try to brainwash me with religious beliefs especially my mom.But i believe one should have the freedom and the ability to question his purpose and truth of existence.I refuse to believe that we were created as a fluke of nature but i refuse to believe the fairy tales told by the religions also...As far as i have seen most of the biggest wars in the world was fought over what religion other people believes in.But the crappiest thing is this doesn't affect people in any fundamental way as human beings,but every religion now seems like an excuse for people to indulge in their greed for money and power.Most of the religious leaders in most of the religions are hypocrites.In Islam the previous generation of old bastards who think they control the destiny of their flock thought that television was one of the greatest evil,but now every asshole wants their own TV program because they know that it brings them money and fame.

What i want to basically say is why doesn't these bastards admit what they are,Horny,Greedy or whatever instead of being holier than though??????

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