Saturday, December 8, 2007


well,was in Lakeshore hospital for the last two days.Was staying there with my dad because he had some tests to undertake regarding his diabetic condition.But , the administration there is pretty bad.Everything takes too fucking long, unnecessarily i might add.The security was rude to me so i kind of told him that he is a son of a bitch and i will break his teeth if he talks to me that way ever again.Next i went to the PRO(that is Public relations Officer,not the "pro" you thought although i know for a fact that she just got an abortion after one of my acquaintances got her pregnant)and shouted at her.She did not have anything to say, so i went next to the administrative manager of the Hospital and talked to him.He was an older chap so couldn't shout at him.So told him if we are paying for something we expect to get our money's worth and we should be treated with a little more respect since we are paying for it.the guy didn't seem to have any administrative power so I just stopped babbling and just said goodbye and went home.Anyway it was a fun day.I threatened a security guard with bodily harm,I almost made the PRO cry and talked to the administration manager, that should make life a little bit tough for some people in the hospital.

It was a good day,Just spreading misery all around

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